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Merry Christmas - Get Crypto Everyday!

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Merry Christmas - Get Crypto Everyday!
Christmas is coming and it's time for Big wins, Slot games and Crypto gifts.
This is the challenge for slot games lovers. Play slots, win and receive bonuses 7 days in a row from us!


Christmas slot games: 1) Santa’s Farm 2) Santa Wild Helpers 3) Showing Luck - Christmas Edition 4) Santa 5) Lilith’s Passion - Christmas Edition 6) A Christmas Carol 7) Happiest Christmas Tree 8)Demi Gods II - Christmas Edition 9)Yak, Yeti & Roll

Period: 12/18 - 12/24, 12pm UTC time.

1) We offer 9 Christmas slot games.
2) You need to choose any slot game we offer and play it.
3) When you win, post a screenshot of your wins under this post.
4) Your single win should be at least 0.25 mBTC/ 13 mETH / 1.7 USDT to participate.
5) You will get a Christmas gift for your wins! 
6) 1 player - 1 gift a day.
7) Player can participate each day, but each time with different slot games. No repeat of the slot game.  

0+) highest single win up to 0.20 mBTC: get 0.10 mBTC gift
                                           9 mETH: get 5 mETH gift.
                                           1.4 USDT: get 0.7 USDT gift.
0) highest single win up to 0.25 mBTC: get 0.13 mBTC gift
                                           13 mETH: get 7 mETH gift.
                                           1.7 USDT: get 1 USDT gift.
1) highest single win up to 0.5 mBTC: get 0.25 mBTC gift
                                           25 mETH: get 13 mETH gift.
                                           3.5 USDT: get 1.75 USDT gift.
2) highest single win up to 1 mBTC: get 0.5 mBTC gift
                                           50 mETH: get 25mETH gift.
                                           7 USDT: get 3.5 USDT gift.
3) highest single win up to 2 mBTC: get 1 mBTC gift
                                           100 mETH: get 50 mETH gift.
                                           14 USDT: get 7 USDT gift.
4) highest single win up to 3 mBTC: get 1.5 mBTC gift
                                           150 mETH: get 50 mETH gift.
                                           21 USDT: get 14 USDT gift.
1) Multi accounts will be excluded.
2) A player can participate 1 time a day. 
3) Max gifts per player totally: $35
4) Make sure your bet ID can be seen in the screenshot.
5) Write your Bet coin, when you share screenshot. 

Bet coin - ETH. I've played this slot game and won ETH. I can participate next day too, but with different slot game.

DAY 7, post your screenshots here for day 24th: 






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Account name. BubbaFrog 

Sweet win! 


1 minute ago, BubbaFrog said:

Account name. BubbaFrog 

Sweet win! 


Here is the other screen shot. 


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