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Bitcoin Dice Master ​ 🎲​​🎲​​🎲​

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Bitcoin Dice Master - THE 1st DICE TOURNAMENT!
Team is presenting new Dice Tournament. It's unusual and unique competition. 
1. Buy the ticket to join Dice tournament. 
2. You will get 10,000 FUN points.
3. Win the most by using these 10,000 FUN points.
4. Top players, who will have more FUN points in the end of tournament, are taking winnings. 

Time of each Tournament: 5 minutes

Example: 10 players bought the ticket. Each ticket 1 mBTC. Total pool prize is 10 mBTC.
After Tournament starts, players will have only 5 minutes to win as much FUN points as they can. 
Top 3 users, who will have more FUN points after 5 minutes( the end of Tournament), will share the prize pool. 
Respectively, 1st: 50%. 2st: 30%. 3st: 20%.

This Bitcoin Dice Tournament is all about skills of playing Dice game.
The registration page will be available on Friday.

Share your opinion, questions and ideas under this post! :)) 

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8 hours ago, Legend said:


Bitcoin Dice Master - THE 1st DICE TOURNAMENT!
Team is presenting new Dice Tournament. It's unusual and unique competition. 
1. Buy the ticket to join Dice tournament. 
2. You will get 100,000 FUN points.
3. Win the most by using these 100,000 FUN points.
4. Top players, who will have more FUN points in the end of tournament, are taking winnings. 

Time of each Tournament: 5 minutes

Example: 10 players bought the ticket. Each ticket 1 mBTC. Total pool prize is 10 mBTC.
After Tournament starts, players will have only 5 minutes to win as much FUN points as they can. 
Top 3 users, who will have more FUN points during this 5 minutes, will share the prize pool. 
Respectively, 1st: 50%. 2st: 30%. 3st: 20%.

This Bitcoin Dice Tournament is all about skills of playing Dice game.
The registration page will be available on Friday.

Share your opinion, questions and ideas under this post! :)) 


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1) will there be a notification (like after a successful deposit or tip is sent) notifying and perhaps linking to the registration page?

2) will all participants have to play at the same time or will there be a window of something like 12-24 hours to start a 5 min timer for each participant to complete their session? 

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19 hours ago, fuziondev said:

1) will there be a notification (like after a successful deposit or tip is sent) notifying and perhaps linking to the registration page?

2) will all participants have to play at the same time or will there be a window of something like 12-24 hours to start a 5 min timer for each participant to complete their session? 

1) there will be notification when the tournament is done
2) no, the tournament will start for everyone at the same time as soon as countdown is 0. All players online will have have 5 minutes, those who will have more FUN points - win! 🙂

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nice contest.i played using 1.1x but unlucky all fun ponits gone early stage.But next time i will comeback strong.Looking forward for more contests.

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2 minutes ago, computer said:

nice contest.i played using 1.1x but unlucky all fun ponits gone early stage.But next time i will comeback strong.Looking forward for more contests.

It was first test of Tournament. We will do these often. May be everyday at this time 🙂 Waiting for team to collect all info to decide how often we're going to have tournament.

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this sucked. I couldn't access the site for up to ten min prior the start of the tournament. the site finally loaded and I got literally 1 min to play... Im really not happy...

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So I would definitely be interested joining again... But I did have a few issues; maybe because I'm mobile... 

Perhaps I shouldn't have been waiting in the room? But had to leave and reload game. 

And the other annoying thing was I couldn't see my Fun points total. Had to scroll up to see it. Does the registration form/info have to be there during the contest? 


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3 minutes ago, Legend said:

It was first test of Tournament. We will do these often. May be everyday at this time 🙂 Waiting for team to collect all info to decide how often we're going to have tournament.

I'm all for more of these, dispite my extremely crappy experience with it. I think it's a great idea, but I strongly recommend that there be a window of like even just 30 min for players to log in and roll for 5 minutes. then everyone can be included instead of being screwed out of their chance at a fair run like I was due to the site not loading for me for whatever reason

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7 minutes ago, Legend said:

It was first test of Tournament. We will do these often. May be everyday at this time 🙂 Waiting for team to collect all info to decide how often we're going to have tournament.

wow really excited for that.Thanks 

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4 minutes ago, fuziondev said:

this sucked. I couldn't access the site for up to ten min prior the start of the tournament. the site finally loaded and I got literally 1 min to play... Im really not happy...

That's sad to hear actually :(( You've been one of the first who joined this Tournament. Let us refund your ticket fees. I'm sorry you couldn't join it. 

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2 minutes ago, pratikbaba said:

can someone post the leaderboard screenshot .....

Yes! :))


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8 minutes ago, BubbaFrog said:

So I would definitely be interested joining again... But I did have a few issues; maybe because I'm mobile... 

Perhaps I shouldn't have been waiting in the room? But had to leave and reload game. 

And the other annoying thing was I couldn't see my Fun points total. Had to scroll up to see it. Does the registration form/info have to be there during the contest? 


We will improve this part. It's first time we test this kind of Tournaments. 

  • Thanks 1

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2 minutes ago, Legend said:

That's sad to hear actually :(( You've been one of the first who joined this Tournament. Let us refund your ticket fees. I'm sorry you couldn't join it. 

thanks. I do look forward to more of these tournaments in the future. I think they're a great idea. perhaps there could be different styles even. one like this where those who have the most win, another where those who wager the most win, and maybe even another in the style of a rollhunt where those who hit a certain number the most times win. those are just a couple ideas of the top of my head. I love what you all are doing here at trustdice. Keep up the strong innovative work! ❤️

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